Reniel Del Rosario, Guns, Beauty, Donuts
Opening Reception:
April 04, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

At the beginning of 2021 it was widely reported that Gallery 16 had lost its lease and would be relocating. While we are still in the process of finding a new location, our landlord has extended a month to month arrangement. In celebration, and in the spirit of new horizons, we welcome a group of new artists to Gallery 16 for an extension of the show that was to be the last in our current location.
The title of the group exhibition, The Violets In The Mountains Have Broken The Rocks, was organized as a celebration of resilience in the face of adversity. It comes from the conclusion of the Tennessee Williams play, Camino Real. For Part One of this exhibition Tucker Nichols created a site specific, pandemic related mural “Sneeze” painted directly on the gallery walls. This piece will continue to be on view!