Mary Campbell,Greg Climer,Rachel Kaye,Erik Parra,Rachel Stallings Thomander,Cate White,Karla Wozniak, Homebody
November 08 – January 25
Opening Reception:
November 08, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
“I should like to be the landscape which I am contemplating, I should like this sky, this quiet water to think themselves within me, that it might be I whom they express in flesh and bone, and I remain at a distance. But it is also by this distance that the sky and the water exist before me. My contemplation is an excruciation only because it is also a joy. I cannot appropriate the snow field where I slide. It remains foreign, forbidden, but I take delight in this very effort toward an impossible possession. I experience it as a triumph, not as a defeat.”
― Simone de Beauvoir, The Ethics of Ambiguity