Reniel Del Rosario, Guns, Beauty, Donuts
Opening Reception:
April 04, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Gallery 16 is proud to present Something About The Sun, Nathaniel Russell’s third exhibition with the gallery. His work is widely popular in both the gallery world and the graphic art sphere having designed Books, Record Albums, illustrations for the New York Times, and his viral Fake Flier project.
Nathaniel Russell was born and raised in Indiana. After college, Russell spent several years in the San Francisco Bay Area making posters, record covers, and woodcuts. He returned to his home city of Indianapolis and now spends his time creating drawings, fake fliers, sculptures and music. Russell’s work is regularly shown around the world in both traditional galleries and informal spaces, usually surrounded by an expanding list of friends, collaborators, and like-minded folk. He frequently returns to his second home of California to work with friends on projects as varied as murals, print workshops, and backyard musical performances.