Reniel Del Rosario, Guns, Beauty, Donuts
Opening Reception:
April 04, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Gallery 16 is pleased to present Double Strength, a new exhibition platform located in the 38 foot-wide window overlooking Bryant and 3rd Street—this project space can only be viewed from the sidewalk. Double Strength’s inaugural exhibition, Sediment, features large-scale photographs by Bay Area artists Jack Bool and Aysia Stieb.
Sediment is a photographic meditation on the mechanized labor driven by human innovation. Bool and Stieb activate the window space with a series of large-scale color prints that address the outward facing SOMA neighborhood—a major global hub of tech innovations. The work contrasts humanity and machine, addressing an audience that directly contributes to the technology sector. Frequent collaborators, Bool and Stieb are influenced by commercial imagery and visual interventions within exhibition space. This new body of work highlights the uncanny and fleeting moments that occur in daily life contrasted by sleek images of emerging technology.
Aysia Stieb is based in Berkeley, CA. Stieb received her BFA in photography from California College of the Arts in 2016. She recently collaborated with Jack Bool on the show Foot Tap Jaw Jerk at Book and Job Gallery, San Francisco. Stieb is currently working on a monograph to be published by Classic Press in summer of 2018.
Jack Bool is an Oakland-based artist focusing primarily on photography and installation. Bool received his BFA in photography from California College of the Arts in 2016. His work was recently published in Matte Magazine.